Launch Bonuses Available

Break down the silos and free your inbox.

Our Total Communication Reset will improve team communication and boost productivity in just 20 days.

Any of these sound familiar?

Communication Silos

Different departments or team members are not effectively sharing information, leading to misunderstandings and inefficiencies.

Overflowing Inbox

Your inbox is overflowing with emails, many of which are redundant or could be communicated more efficiently.

Lack of Team Productivity

Poor communication is slowing down projects, leading to missed deadlines and decreased productivity.

Remote Work Challenges

Working remotely has created barriers to effective communication and collaboration

I’ve seen how Mitch and the Bulb Digital team make team communication better. They are the experts you need for this course.

Tanya McIlravy
Business Analyst - Process Improvement

The reset your team needs.

Connect the Silos

Our program breaks down the silos, building a culture of open and effective communication across your entire team.

Free Your Inbox

Learn how to reduce your email volume dramatically with more effective communication tools and strategies.

Boost Productivity

Our structured lessons and tools will boost your team's productivity by streamlining communication and improving collaboration.

Lead a Seamless Team

Discover how to use technology to bridge remote-working gaps, ensuring your remote team works as seamlessly as if they were in the same office.

Launch Bonuses Available

What You'll Get

Much more than "just a course"

Launch Bonus (Buy before 7/15)

  • Via Connected Workplace Guidebook ($49 Value)
  • Entry to win one of two free 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions ($150 Value)

20 Daily Lessons

5-minute video each morning with clear, actionable steps.

Templates and Tools

Ready-to-use implementation templates to quickly apply lessons.

Support & Engagement

Cohort Chat Room: Exclusive access for peer support and accountability.

Weekly Q&A Sessions: Direct interaction with Mitch & team to address any questions or challenges.

Incentives & Rewards

Completion Certificate: Industry-recognized certificate to validate skills and achievements.

Break down communication silos in a month.

Our course will help your team communicate better and get important information flowing easily.

It's time to get out of your overwhelming inbox

Watch the overview of the course 👇🏼

Curriculum Overview:

Week 1: Foundations of Internal Communication

  • Learn the basics of effective internal communication and why it’s crucial for team success.

Week 2: Topic-Based Communication and Why You Need It

  • Discover how to organize communication around specific topics to enhance clarity and efficiency.

Week 3: Team Communication Challenge

  • Start implementing new communication methods and get foundational pieces in place. Engage in practical exercises to test and refine these strategies within your team.

Week 4: Strategies for Effective Communication

  • We'll dig into further strategies to make sure your team communicates effectively and seamlessly.

Wayyyy Less Email Overload

Learn how to reduce your email volume dramatically with more effective communication tools and strategies.
Enroll Now
Special Launch Bonus!

Get the course and so much more

  • Via Connected Workplace Guidebook ($49 Value)
  • Entry to win one of two free 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching sessions ($150 Value)
  • Cohort Chat Room Access
  • Live Weekly Group Coaching
Grab Your Launch Bonus - Enroll Now

Meet Mitch

Hey there! 👋

You might recognize me as one of the leaders at Bulb Digital. I've been involved in improving workplaces for 8 years now.

Lately, we've noticed something important about workplaces—they often struggle with communication.

At Bulb Digital, we've been working hard to tackle this issue using technology. We've found some great ways to make communication smoother and more efficient for everyone involved. Our team has noticed some significant improvements because of these strategies.

I'm excited to lead this Total Communication Reset with that team alongside me, helping you build a workplace that communicates well.


The 20-Day Total Communication Reset

100% Satisfaction Money-back Guarantee

Bundle + Coaching Session

One-time Payment
  • 20 Video Course Segments Delivered Daily Beginning July 15
  • Via Internal Communication Guidebook ($49 Value)
  • Cohort Chat Room Access
  • Live Weekly Group Coaching
  • One 30-minute 1-on-1 Coaching Session

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 20-Day Total Communication Reset course?
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How much does the course cost?
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What does the course include?
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What is the curriculum like?
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Can I get a discount if I enroll my whole team?
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What if I'm not satisfied with the course?
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How can I get in touch if I have more questions?
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